Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mike Dawson ProBox Quad

My new (to me) 7'-2"x21.75x3" thick with single to double concave and quad ProBox fins. Glassing is 2x 6oz deck and 1x 6oz bottom. A fun board for sure!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Shores going off again

This morning was offshore, head high sets typical with an occasional 2' overhead set and a rare DOH wave to clean things up.
Has this been a great winter or what? Seems like every week so far this year we've had head high or bigger swells on a weekly basis with good conditions a majority of the time. It was pretty packed early this morning with such a narrow margin for taking off on the only right breaking at it's typical spot. A lot of hacking and shouting and people getting barrelled seemingly on every wave. If you missed it this morning then you missed out, that's if you were willing to compete against the likes of Bob Mitsven, Frenchie Jeff, Tom (freaking) Ortner, Louis F, B.A. and others....
